Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Performance Committee

Meeting to be held on 26 June 2024


Annual Review of Fire Engine Availability KPI 3.3


Contact for further information – Assistant Chief Fire Officer Jon Charters

Tel: 01772 866802


Executive Summary

This paper provides detail on the annual review of the Fire Engine Availability Key Performance Indicator (KPI) further to resolution 08/23 of the Planning Committee.



That the Performance Committee endorse no changes to this KPI further to the first year-end review of the standard.




At a resolution of the Planning Committee of 17 July 2023 (08/23), the decision was taken to adjust the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) relating to overall fire engine availability, to report against how effectively fire cover was provided across the 39 fire stations (risk areas) of the county. 


The decision approved the proposal to report on the combined availability of the primary asset at each of the 39 stations in percentage terms, whether that be a wholetime or retained duty system fire appliance, with a revised overall target of 90%. Furthermore, that this target would be reviewed annually aligned to the continued work being delivered to strengthen on call appliance availability.


Work took place over the summer of 2023 to make the relevant system changes to support the provision of information under the revised KPI, which was implemented into the Measuring Progress Report from quarter 2 onwards.


Under the resolution approved at Planning Committee, the KPI change would be subject to annual review with an intention to incrementally increase the standard, if and when appliance availability performance was sustained above the agreed standard.  The Service deems the business year-end to be the most suitable point to conduct this exercise each year and, as such, this paper forms the basis of the 2024 review.


Since introduction of the 90% target, Service performance has seen a gradual but sustained improvement, reporting 87.84% availability in Quarter 2, 88.46% in Quarter 3 and most recently, 88.88% in Quarter 4. As wholetime appliance availability remains exceptionally high, the work delivered through the On Call Improvement Programme is the key mechanism through which overall appliance availability can be improved. Each of the stations has a bespoke Action Plan which considers current staffing establishments, retirement/leaver forecasting, skills matrix (for both skills held and planned for acquisition by staff) and intended recruitment and selection activities to support improvement in appliance availability.


Since current performance remains in pursuance of the 90% standard and sustained investment and focus towards strengthening on call appliance availability are yielding steady progress, the Service proposes a no change position to the KPI for 2024/25 with a further review to be undertaken at the next business year end.


Business risk

Appliance availability underpins the Authority’s ability to meet statutory functions under relevant legislation.


Sustainability or Environmental Impact



Equality and Diversity Implications



Data Protection (GDPR)


Will the proposal(s) involve the processing of personal data?  N


If the answer is yes, please contact a member of the Democratic Services Team to assist with the appropriate exemption clause for confidential consideration under part 2 of the agenda.


HR implications



Financial implications



Legal implications



Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers





Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: Insert Exemption Clause